The new JBI critical appraisal tool for assessing risk of bias in RCTs.

JBI has an upcoming JBI LIVE webinar that may be of interest to JBIC core staff and students.

JBI recently began the process of revising its critical appraisal tools to align with recent developments within risk of bias science. In this JBI LIVE webinar, Dr. Timothy Barker, along with host Assoc/Prof Edoardo Aromataris, will discuss practical guidance on how the questions of this tool are to be interpreted and applied by systematic reviewers and will outline the significant changes made to this tool, compared to the previous iterations.

Please see below details, including a link to register for free webinar.

JBI LIVE Webinar: ‘The new JBI critical appraisal tool for assessing risk of bias in randomised controlled trails (RCTs)’
Date: Wed 29 March
Time: 10am (ACDT)