TJBCC成立宗旨 Mission


(Taiwan Evidence Based Practice Center: A JBI Center of Excellence)

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: 穆佩芬特聘教授

 副主任: 鄭浩民醫師、明金蓮主任、張美玉副主任、吳孟嬪部主任、賈佩芳副院長


實證醫療照護(Evidence-based medical practice)早期由Dr. Cochrane在英國發起,主張以嚴謹的系統性文獻回顧方法,提供臨床實證資料以作正確決策,提供高品質之醫療照護,近期更著重轉譯研究中新知的發展與臨床實務上的困境與助益的質性與量性研究的實證知識統合與應用。JBI是1996年在澳州Royal Adelaide Hospital成立。目前隸屬於澳洲阿德雷德大學並於其公共衛生學院開設碩博士班。目前共有50多個國家70多個合作中心參與。該組織目前發展JBI EBP database (4808 point of care),JBI SUMSRI 系統文獻軟體,JBI PACES 實證應用軟體,及兩個雜誌: JBI evidence synthesis, JBI evidence implementation (SCI)。JBI除了在阿德雷德大學開設實證碩士班及博士班,並設有多種實證相關的短期課程。

護理學院邱艷芬院長於2005起積極籌劃組成陽明的實證導向健康照護團隊,於2005年4月成立Taiwan Joanna Briggs Institute Collaborating Center。 2006年起由穆佩芬教授帶領建立跨領域實證護理平台,積極從事實證護理之國內推動與國際接軌,並於2008年起連續獲得四年衛生署補助,於國內北(陽明-榮總)、中(台中衛生局-中台)、南(成大-成大醫院)、東(慈技技術學院-慈濟醫院)建立四個學校醫院聯盟的實證護理中心,共同推動國內實證護理的發展,以推動國內健康相關領域之實證導向健康照護概念,培育國內實證護理種子與師資,發展本土臨床指引與實證教育素材。繼之,本中心重視國家長期照護政策,2018年獲衛生福利部國家型計畫[107年度護理機構實證應用之臨床照護及指導培訓計畫]。又於2019年獲衛生福利部國家型計劃[預防及延緩失能照護方案研發與人才培育計畫],致力於推動全國以實證為基礎的長期照護相關的實證指引與教學素材的研發與人才的培育。

本中心活躍於JBI組織,2018年穆佩芬老師擔任JBI亞洲合作中心副主席,2019年擔任JBI亞洲合作中心主席。此外,自2009年,參與Cochrane nursing care field (CNCF) 國際實證護理的知識發展與轉譯,於嘉基護理雜誌刊登翻譯的Best Practice,於榮總護理雜誌國立台北護理健康大學雜誌,與助產護理雜誌開闢Cochrane corner,刊登Cochrane summary。

       本中心之宗旨乃將強化以實證導向健康照護的多元專業領域之研究落實於照顧活動中,以科學性且有效度之實證研究結果,促進醫院及社區之健康照顧品質。JBI 與CNCF著重在實證護理的國際接軌,並發展出台灣實證護理的特色。此外,除提供護理學院碩博士班師生及台北榮總圖書館使用JBI網路資源,並將繼續積極地推動國內實證導向健康照護臨床及研究,期望於亞洲成為實證導向相關健康照護的領導地位,積極與國際接軌,將增加我國健康照護於國際之可見度。本中心四項具體目標說明如下:

1. 迅速與國際接軌

        JBC 與CNCF是一自主性的非營利組織,主要功能在進行系統性文獻整理,並參與JBI所進行系統文獻整理之同儕審核的相關實證合作網絡,發表論文於JBI國際會議與刊物,並推動實證導向健康照護於臨床及研究層面。因此本中心之成立可與國際接軌,提高陽明在國際之可見度。

2. 促進研究之教學與產能

        JBI將實證轉譯之過程包括四部份:evidence translation, evidence transfer, evidence utilization, evidence generation。包含質性與量性文獻系統回顧實證之歸納及轉譯。其SUMARI軟體,使文獻系統回顧之實證歸納標準化。及其PACES實證應用系統,使臨床指引能立即有效的應用於臨床系統性照顧及品質改善。本中心每年均開設JBI認證之系統文獻回顧(JBI comprehensive systematic review training course)課程,及臨床專家(clinical fellowship program; PACES)課程,強化實證研究與應用能力。

3. 強化與臨床伙伴關係


4. 成為亞洲地區實證導向相關健康照護的領導地位


Aims of the Taiwan EBP Taipei

The purpose of this center is to advance cutting edge, state-of-the-art evidence-based nursing practice, research, and education within an interdisciplinary context. The goal is to turn research into action. Improve health care and patients outcomes in the clinical setting and community through evidence-based practice, research, and education.

The objectives of the center are to:

• Define nursing roles in establishing an evidence-based practice culture.

• Furnish a venue for interdisciplinary evidence-based methods and practice.

• Facilitate transfer of nursing knowledge to nursing and health care practice.

• Provide education in evidence-based nursing through undergraduate, graduate, postdoctoral, and a continuing education program.

• Encourage, facilitate, coordinate, and conduct research and interdisciplinary investigations in the field of evidence-based nursing. Evidence Based Practice Workshops.

    Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) was established in 1996 at Royal Adelaide Hospital in Australia. Taiwan Joanna Briggs Institute Collaborating Center (TJBCC) was established on 2005 at National Yang-Ming University. Starting from 2006, Professor Mu, Pei-Fen led to establish an interdisciplinary platform for evidence-based nursing, current core members including faculties of the School of Nursing and Department of Medicine of National Yang-Ming University, Nursing Department of Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Education Center of Taipei Veterans General Hospital.

    TJBCC actively engaged in the movement and international tie-up for evidence-based nursing, continuously received funds from the Department of Health for four years since 2008, establishing allied evidence-based nursing centers in four schools and hospitals, including northern (Yang-Ming University-Taipei Veterans General Hospital), central (Taichung City Government Health Bureau-Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology), southern (National Cheng Kung University- National Cheng Kung University Hospital), and eastern (Tzu Chi College of Technology- Tzu Chi General Hospital) areas. They collectively move development of evidence-based nursing in the country to promote the conception of evidence-based health care in health related fields, cultivate national seeds and teachers for evidence-based nursing, and develop clinical guidelines and evidence-based educational materials.

     TJBCC aims to actively implement the research achievements of professionally multiple fields in evidence-based health care to care activities, promoting the quality of health care in hospitals and communities through scientific and efficient results from evidence-based research. Four specific objectives of TJBCC are international tie-up in short time, promote the instruction and productivity for research, strengthen partnership with clinical practice, ad gain a leading position in evidence-based relevant health care in Asian area.

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